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Customer Lifetime Value Calculator

Published on December 1, 2023
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How Does Customer Lifetime Value Calculator Work? 

A Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) helps determine the financial impact of acquiring and retaining customers, making it a valuable metric for business growth and marketing strategies.

To calculate CLV, several key factors need to be considered:

  • First-Time Customer Sale Value – How much do you earn from the first time a customer avails of your product or services?
  • Recurring Sale Revenue – How much do you earn from every subsequent sale or appointment for that customer?
  • Average Number of Sales/Year – How many times will that customer generate sales in one year?
  • Average Number of Years – How many years will that customer remain availing of your products or services?

The data shown below is just a sample computation to show you how you can get the Lifetime Value of your customers. 

First-time customer sale value is 100$

Recurring sale revenue is 100$ ( this refers to the sale you are generating every time your customer is doing a repurchase or renewal of the services/products)

The average number of sales per year  ( refers to the number of  times that customers go back to repurchase or renew the products/services in a year)

The average number of years ( let’s say your regular customers are availing the products/ services in 2 years )

Your Customer Lifetime Value would be 1300$ 

Please note that patients tend to have multiple visits and non-medical leads are sometimes 1 purchase/buy.

How much is a customer worth? 

Use our CLV calculator to calculate your data https://marketingdr.co/customer-lifetime-value-calculator/

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