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MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard

Last updated: January 22, 2024
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How to start: – Login into Your Messaging Dashboard at https://app.marketingdr.co/  using the shared credentials. If you don’t have one, please request one at https://help.marketingdr.co/ or by emailing team@marketingdr.co.

Although you will receive a notification whenever someone makes a payment, it is still advised to check the dashboard or account on a daily basis.

Step 1: – Go to the Calendars from the Main Menu –

MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard screensshot

2. Click on Appointments from the Top Menu and Look for the appointment by lead name with the status “New (Action Required)” –

MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard screensshot

3. Check for the requested time of the appointment, if the slot is available, you can confirm the appointment and make a call to the customer for confirmation – 

MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard screensshot

4. If the requested appointment time slot is already booked, please click on the three dots and click on “View details” – 

MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard screensshot

5. A pop-up will open. Click on “Primary Contact” to see the contact details –

MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard screensshot

6. The Contacts page will open and you will able to see all the details of the customer. Get the phone number and make a call to know schedule something better suited. 

MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard screensshot

7. Once you have the new appointment confirmed with the lead, please go back to the appointments page in the Calendars Tab and Click on three dots to edit the appointment timing –

MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard screensshot

8. Update it according to the new timings and click on “Save Appointment” –

MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard screensshot

9. After updating the appointment time, please confirm the appointment by clicking on “confirmed” within the dropdown –

MDR’s Customer & Lead Messaging Dashboard screensshot

10. All set.

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