Summit Collective

Summit Collective

When you work with Marketing Done Right, you will also have access to the talented members of the Summit Collective. The Summit Collective is a group of creative & digital professionals who work both independently and collaboratively to offer businesses and nonprofits a wide range of services—such as graphic design, digital marketing, web and app development, photography, videography, social media, public relations, digital strategy, copywriting, and copy editing. Acting as your full-service creative agency, yet instead of maintaining a high level of resources and overhead, working on an as-needed basis to fulfill the specific objectives of each particular project, thus lowering costs, and increasing savings, all while providing comprehensive, quality services.

Grow your
business with us
Start marketing with Marketing Done Right and together let’s build your brand.
We are a group of professional marketers, website builders, and developers with the goal of delivering high-quality services to our clients.
© 2025
Marketing Done Right, LLC
all rights reserved.